Background Image is default to 100% Transparency
I would like the default setting for Report Page backgrounds to be defaulted to 0% rather than 100%. Currently when you are adding a background to a page, the background will be invisible. This is because the initial setting of the background is set to 100%. In order to see the applied backg...
Edit Data Table From Relationship View window
In the current relationship view window we can delete a data table from the model. It would be nice to right click on the data table and click edit query for the underlying table. This would immediately open up the query editor for data table changes. Today you have to switch views to ...
Click & Drag Visual while Holding "Alt" key Makes a Copy of a visual
I would like to hold alt, click on a visual and drag it to make a copy of a visual...
Bring Back the Quick Access Toolbar for Power BI Desktop Preview
It was recently learned that the Quick Access Toolbar will be removed from the next public preview of the new Power BI Desktop program using the new toolbar experience. Link to Discovery ( ) The Quick Access toolbar is needed to spe...
Copy and Paste Visuals with Edit Interactions
Given a visual has been set with Edit Interactions When a user selects the visual with Edit Interactions then Pastes the visual on the same report page. The Visual should retain the Edit Interactions from the Copied object. Current behavior, a copy and paste of a visual removes any prior Edit I...