Web.Contents () should support scheduled refresh even with dynamic URL
In order for a Power Query data source to be refreshable via scheduled or on-demand refresh inside the Power BI service, the Web.Contents base URL has to be hardcoded. For example, the following is not allowed: (URL) => Web.Contents(URL) Only the following is allowed: Web.Contents("https://...
Egress charges from scheduled refresh against source in same Azure region
We have been careful in tracking which region our Power BI tenant is in and placing the various scheduled refresh and live connect data sources in the same Azure region. Unfortunately our Azure subscription is still charged for egress bandwidth even though the data is not actually leaving the Azu...
URL filter report field that has a space
There is currently a limitation that you can't URL parameter filter on a field or a table with a space in the name. Please fix this. http://community.powerbi.com/t5/Service/URL-parameter-to-filter-report-on-a-field-with-spaces/m-p/34891#M8603
Crossfiltering charts does not show Highlighted number if it's zero
If I have two charts and I click on a bar in one chart, it crossfilters the other chart and colors the bar to show how numbers shrink with the crossfilter. In the tooltip, it displays the original value and the "Highlighted" (or crossfiltered value). However, if the crossfiltered value is now zer...
CefSharp.BrowserSubprocess.exe CPU usage
Even when Power BI Desktop is just sitting there doing nothing, the following process uses about 8% CPU. My particular dashboard at the moment is connected to an SSAS cube live, but I suspect it happens on other dashboards. Please fix this. C:\Program Files\Microsoft Power BI Desktop\bin\CefSh...
SSAS Gateway data source CustomData setting is broken
If you have an SSAS cube and you setup a gateway data source then go to User Mapping and switch the radio button to CustomData, the connection string used is now: EffectiveUserName=user@domain.com;CustomData=user@domain.com Basically turning on CustomData should stop emitting the EffectiveU...
Analyze in Tableau
Currently the Power BI Service has an "Analyze in Excel" feature that downloads a .odc file that lets you connect Excel on your desktop to a model in the Power BI Service. Please consider adding an "Analyze in Tableau" feature which downloads a .tds file.
Grey out or hide tables that are unrelated in field list
Let's say that I start a new report by adding the Inventory Quantity measure to a table. I get no indication in the field list that the Product and Warehouse tables are related to the measure in my table but that the Customer table is not. Please show some sort of indication of this such as greyi...
Dynamic calculated column
Calculated columns are computed at model load time. I would like to request a feature that lets you mark a calculated column to be dynamically evaluated in every query. For example, I may have a calculated column which categorizes a product as "Low Sales Volume" vs. "High Sales Volume". But that ...
Power Query background refresh disables preview refresh for SharePoint folder
Put a few CSV files in SharePoint then I Get Data and choose SharePoint Folder as the source and then combine the file contents into one table. Put another file into the SharePoint Folder and then in the Edit Query window click the Refresh Preview button. It picks up the new file. Now go to Op...