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Power BI

Under Review

Be able to shows Data Menu on the left

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Yi-Min Yuan's profile image

Yi-Min Yuan on 2014-11-04 02:17:13

When I drag in a dimension, shows measures on the left menu. When I drag in a measures, give users the dimension select on the left menu.

Administrator on 11/5/2014 6:17:14 AM

This is a really interesting idea Michael, thanks! The ability to 'guide' users with a 'prompts' that shows them the measure or dimensions they can use on a particular visual would help them understand how to build the charts they need. Everyone can keep voting on this if they think it would be useful for them too!

Comments (2) Merged Idea (2)
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Patricia Ryan's profile image

Patricia Ryan on 2014-11-01 02:42:29

Power BI

Improve Q&A info navigation by understanding R and SQL logical conventions

Currently Q&A natural language only works for the simplest data statements. For almost all of our data models, it would help A LOT if Q&A could understand some specific logical statements which would allow us to identify non-ambiguously some subsetted information to chart. I can add examples if...

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Patricia Ryan's profile image

Patricia Ryan on 2014-11-01 03:06:40

Power BI

Scheduled refresh, so that we can test and use in real scenarios

I realize this is something you're working on. I just point out our testing and usage scenarios are going to be pretty limited until scheduled refresh makes building a dashboard more worthwhile - even for the short term.
