Power BI
NewQuick fix - Pin tiles while on report so we can explore the data when deciding what and how to publish
Aristiguieta on 14 Jan 2016 00:21:14
This has to be a quick fix, and is a major heartache to my team.
Are you tired to grab the tiles when you are actually trying to explore the data in desktop? to my team this happens (SIMPLY TOO OFTEN) because we use power BI desktop to explore the data before settling on something to publish.
- Comments (2)
RE: Quick fix - Pin tiles while on report so we can explore the data when deciding what and how to publish
For clarification, when the tile is grabbed, it will move when all we really wanted was to interact with it and now see how it affect other graphs on the report.
RE: Quick fix - Pin tiles while on report so we can explore the data when deciding what and how to publish
This idea is similar to other proposals (presentation mode and lock elements), suggesting this is a widespread concern that may get addressed!