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Add additional line graph x-axis types

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Anthony van der Hoorn on 01 Mar 2018 04:32:51

Currently, we have the ability to pick from "Continous" and "Categorical" for line charts. Unfortunately, both of these options are rather limited.

Specifically, in cases where there are gaps in time I am either forced to pick between having a break in the line or having the line connected - the later being very confusing to users who are looking at the data at a glace and the former making it hard to follow the lines between gaps.

I want to see an additional two types added, one where from the start of time to the end of time, the graph, if there is data missing, it will assume 0. The second is that the line will start with the first point it sees and continue to the last, but if it sees gaps in between it will assume 0.

Currently, I am hacking the first by adding a measure which adds "+0" to the end and as far as I'm aware their isn't a "neat" way of doing the second. Adding measures for this is proving to be a massive pain point.