Dave Olsson on 19 Jul 2018 01:08:56
Add collapse expand "all" or selected grouped query folders in Query Designer. I build my flows sequentially using the folders, from 1 to 5 queries per folder. Whenever I open the Query designer all folders are expanded.
- Comments (5)
RE: Collapse/Uncollapse grouped query folders
Is there still no solution to keeping only some folders collapsed? Will be extremely useful. Especially when you have 20 imports that's basically identical and you dont want to see all of them.
RE: Collapse/Uncollapse grouped query folders
Yes! Just give me the option at least.
RE: Collapse/Uncollapse grouped query folders
My primary model (we can’t connect to servers) has 318 queries, and mostly from folders. Please make collapsed folders the default instead of expanded. Please, and please again.
RE: Collapse/Uncollapse grouped query folders
To expand on this idea, one should be able to select default behavior when editing queries. Either expand all (current functionality) or collapse all.
RE: Collapse/Uncollapse grouped query folders
This feature should persist my previous settings - if I collapse a group, it should stay collapsed when I close and reopen the query editor interface. I have multiple groups of queries and once I'm done with a set, I don't need to modify it again, but having all groups expanded every single time is a bit frustrating. Love the grouping, but it needs to remember that I'm done with group.