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Power BI desktop for Apple

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David on 11 Apr 2018 14:08:56

I don't use an AppleMac myself, but I do promote PowerBI to my clients. If the client I am working with have a large number of Apple MacBook users, then it becomes very difficult to convince them that PowerBI is the way to go. My current client is considering Power BI vs AWS Quicksight, but with the lack of a desktop client for Apple, it is hard to justify Power BI, in spite of the fact that I believe it is a much better product.
Is there anything planned to develop and Apple product, or a product which is hardware agnostic.

Comments (2)
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bac0fab0 3bd7-445f-8ed3-84318ee31ab2 on 06 Jul 2020 00:11:46

RE: Power BI desktop for Apple

Hello, my name´s Gustavo, I think is a better idea to have PowerBI for a OS system.

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d6dcaab6 653d-4217-8f57-04d6f9dde9fd on 05 Jul 2020 23:19:34

RE: Power BI desktop for Apple

I’m a big Apple Mac fan and use Power BI in VirtualBox running Windows 64 bit on my 27 inch iMac. I’m sure it’s better then running it on my computer then running it on a real PC. So, Mac fans can have the best of both worlds.