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Power BI


Buttons - click to web page. Open in the same Browser

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on 31 May 2019 14:13:31

When you click on a visual on your dashboard you go through to the reports,

From there I can drill through and click back to the main report again.

But going back to the dashboard isnt set up very well

If you click on the dashboard name in the bread crumb trail at the top you are taken out of the reports to the main page so you have to click the dashboard again.

I tried adding a button to the report, Back to main menu but this opens up the dashboard into another browser page and there is no way to tell it to open in the same browser

The only way to do it is to click the back button but I dont think this is a good user experience because every where else you can click a button.

This would be sorted if you could add the dashboard URL to a button and tell it to open within the same browser.