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Create a Parameter Slicer that refreshes queries on selection

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Jeff on 24 Nov 2016 00:30:04

It would be incredibly valuable to have a new slicer type that connects to user defined/ query defined parameters lists and has the ability to refresh queries after a selection is made.

You would be able to define a list of parameters - make a selection from a slicer and have your data sources be refreshed utilizing that parameter - without having to click refresh all - which might be more refreshes than are needed.

Comments (3)
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4397d47e 5214-4033-b2ee-fc8a19d92af9 on 06 Jul 2020 00:16:22

RE: Create a Parameter Slicer that refreshes queries on selection

This is very basic functionality not available. The Pro version supports only 8 times refresh of dataset per day. it means minimum data frequency is every 3 hours. Customer can't for 3 hours to refresh the data. The slicer only works with import query mode. It does not allow end user to filter data in direct query mode. This functionality will allow end user to filter data manually using slicer and refresh only required chart.

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efbb111f 27fb-45ea-9f25-a5d003842d83 on 05 Jul 2020 22:35:09

RE: Create a Parameter Slicer that refreshes queries on selection


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03625b0a 8ec7-4e98-bfd9-71ed11755a8e on 05 Jul 2020 22:35:08

RE: Create a Parameter Slicer that refreshes queries on selection

That's Rad - super useful