Eduardo Sorensen on 21 Aug 2017 23:16:44
It would be nice to be able to set different font sizes when an element goes into focus mode.
The category values, or legends, for example, when are sized inside the report, need to be small enough to visualize. However, when you go fullscreen in focus mode, the graph grows and the text stays very small, the same.
Maybe the idea would be adding to the "Pre-visualization" a font resize also.
- Comments (25)
RE: Font resize on focus mode
This feature is highly needed
RE: Font resize on focus mode
I totall support this idea! I think that when you go to focus mode is a specific visualization, wether it's a chart or a table, it should "fit to space" automatically so that you can view it and even use it directly in a presentation mode.
RE: Font resize on focus mode
This feature is highly needed
RE: Font resize on focus mode
That would be a great option!!!
RE: Font resize on focus mode
This would be incredibly useful from an accessibility perspective. Those with weak eyesight could use this to see the data in tables much more clearly.
RE: Font resize on focus mode
Makes for an otherwise very useful feature unusable on a 4K screen and the font is WAY too small to read.
RE: Font resize on focus mode
Needed feature to be able to set the size in focus mode of the Font and the Visual would be very Handy
RE: Font resize on focus mode
Please add an option to reduce the visual size in focus mode, so that we can avoid horizontal scroll bar.
RE: Font resize on focus mode
Seriously, please allow to set font sizes for focus mode. Power BI has a lot of problems for Large 4k displays
RE: Font resize on focus mode
what is the point of focus mode when we want t see things clearer but the font still small and hard to read.....