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Under Review

Need the ability to configure size limits on the preview page. Large tables sometimes only show a few records.

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James Bashforth on 02 Jan 2015 14:19:42

In the PowerBI Designer data preview screen, it would be good to have an option to have more data in the preview window. Currently tables get limited and the records shown are sometimes not helpful in data exploration

Comments (2)
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4bc3e640 4ac0-446f-abd2-bb96ba5ce33d on 05 Jul 2020 23:24:18

RE: Need the ability to configure size limits on the preview page. Large tables sometimes only show a few records.

I support this. I actually want smaller previews of my steps. My queries are running 20-30 steps. Having some sort of control would be great to speed up work and query reviews.

James Bashforth's profile image Profile Picture

935e4060 ce3f-471b-9d3d-594f2a7f1044 on 05 Jul 2020 21:57:10

RE: Need the ability to configure size limits on the preview page. Large tables sometimes only show a few records.

A number of my customers have now commented that when setting up the initial queries and looking through fields they would like to look through the data to understand the dataset better and decide what to provide in the front end. This functionality if before a user even gets to creating reports.

For instance. I have a table that has 35 fields, the user is only given four rows of data in the preview because of the width. The user wants to look through the data to understand the table and remove the columns that are not needed. We now have to go back into Management Studio to understand the data and remove the columns.

Hope that makes better sense.