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Power BI


Make the dashboard more customizable, or make the pinned report pages more functional.

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Shelby on 27 Jul 2018 04:03:11

Make the dashboard more customizable or make the pinned report pages more functional. I need to be able to make my dashboard as visually appealing and dynamic as a report page--IE, I want to be able to make the pinned visuals whatever size I need, I want to be able to change the color elements of an individual tile, etc. Alternately, a more user-friendly, functional pinned report page would work--a way to create a single, user-friendly button to take viewers to a report (and a specific report page!), a better sizing tool (right now the pinned pages snap to large and small sizes as we move them around), and multiple pinned report pages do not sit nicely/well together, making the dashboard look unfinished. We use the dashboard as a way to connect multiple reports and give a quick overview of the entire department.