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Provide control to specify vertical/horizontal view on mobile

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Bhaskar Rao's profile image

Bhaskar Rao on 07 Jun 2016 13:00:19

Please allow publisher to choose whether he/she wants to view mobile dashboard in landscape or vertical on selecting a tile

Comments (10)
Bhaskar Rao's profile image Profile Picture

cf753369 1bfa-44be-bed7-db97201b37f7 on 05 Jul 2020 23:30:37

RE: Provide control to specify vertical/horizontal view on mobile

I agree. Most of the reports I make, I make 'mobile first', in portret mode. Therefore I don't want to make any concessions, resulting in a nice portret report, but a messy landscape report. So the option to disable landscape would be great!

Bhaskar Rao's profile image Profile Picture

3233ce2b 5e59-482c-8040-acc684a601a8 on 05 Jul 2020 23:00:59

RE: Provide control to specify vertical/horizontal view on mobile

Whilst it's great we can create a Mobile layout, currently we can only specify a Portrait layout. Whilst this is useful, it would be hugely beneficial to be able to specify a mobile-optimised Horizontal layout as well.

IMHO, due to the shape of a phone, holding the phone horizontally provides a more natural dashboard shape.

Ideally I'd like to be able to build two views - one for portrait (i.e. as I can currently) and one for horizontal. Then, depending on which way the user holds their phone, the applicable view would then be shown.

I am aware that it does kind of do this by default at present - i.e. if you develop a report and build a Mobile Portrait view, turning the phone horizontally then displays the report horizontally - but it's not a pre-defined mobile-optimised view; it's simply the default report.

Hope this makes sense; if not I am more than happy to try and clarify further.

Bhaskar Rao's profile image Profile Picture

4da33dfe c9fb-4194-b1fd-b664985df3b0 on 05 Jul 2020 22:33:26

RE: Provide control to specify vertical/horizontal view on mobile

Can you please elaborate on this? Do you mean the Phone optimized reports?

Bhaskar Rao's profile image Profile Picture

b589cfd7 d22c-46a7-a616-506085b6efde on 05 Jul 2020 22:33:14

RE: Provide control to specify vertical/horizontal view on mobile

I think missing the horizontal mode, not only the vertical mode.

Bhaskar Rao's profile image Profile Picture

f7d9b426 3baf-49cc-85cd-93dfd3ca356e on 05 Jul 2020 22:32:22

RE: Provide control to specify vertical/horizontal view on mobile

Reports on mobile app could be defined as Portrait or Landscape, with landscape the visualization isn't good.

Bhaskar Rao's profile image Profile Picture

4da33dfe c9fb-4194-b1fd-b664985df3b0 on 05 Jul 2020 22:25:30

RE: Provide control to specify vertical/horizontal view on mobile

Thanks you all for posting your feedback in our forum.
It would be really helpful to get more context on this idea:

Do you create dashboards for the use of others? Who ?
Do you create dashboards for your own use?

Power BI mobile team

Bhaskar Rao's profile image Profile Picture

f0cc9601 fc6d-47da-96f3-a080f7b649b8 on 05 Jul 2020 22:25:14

RE: Provide control to specify vertical/horizontal view on mobile

Totally agree. Really annoying.

Bhaskar Rao's profile image Profile Picture

70efa17e f7b7-4299-bac8-696ced8889e6 on 05 Jul 2020 22:23:05

RE: Provide control to specify vertical/horizontal view on mobile

yes.. we are finding it very difficult when our view is automatically turning to landscape mode. Vertical view is preferred in our organisation as every chart can be viewed and there is no need to scroll left or right to view two ends of the tile

Bhaskar Rao's profile image Profile Picture

ab722ab4 de28-4b3c-b7e5-373935d8c614 on 05 Jul 2020 22:23:05

RE: Provide control to specify vertical/horizontal view on mobile

Yeah we are facing the same problem in our organization. We are even planning to stop using Power BI because of this issue

Bhaskar Rao's profile image Profile Picture

27ccef49 c08e-407a-a60b-86acf52dc8a4 on 05 Jul 2020 22:23:05

RE: Provide control to specify vertical/horizontal view on mobile

the landscape mode is sometimes very annoying or is there a work around to fit every chart in one screen so you don't have to scroll left and right to view