Bikash Deb on 08 May 2016 04:21:13
If you have multiple sources of data, with some large and small it would be ideal if you could just refresh one source (small) so it speeds up the process of updating the dashboard massively.
- Comments (20)
RE: refresh only one data source out of several
Please add this functionality. While you can combine multiple data sources (with different refresh frequencies) from multiple .pbix files into one Dashboard in the Power BI Service, it would sometimes be ideal to combine these several data sources into a Report instead of a Dashboard - for instance, a report has Bookmark functionality while a Dashboard does not, and I may need to utilize Bookmarks when consolidating several of my data sources.
Thank you!
RE: refresh only one data source out of several
please add
RE: refresh only one data source out of several
It would also be really nice to be able to update a Group of Data Sources. Ie if there are 5 data sources and 2 of them only need to be updated monthly, but the other 3 need to be daily, it would be nice to be able to designate refresh groupings instead of refreshing each table individually.
RE: refresh only one data source out of several
Jeff (Shanahan)'s suggestion below would be ideal. I hope it's considered in the near future
RE: refresh only one data source out of several
David's suggestion below only works if you are using Power BI Desktop. We need similar functionality in Power BI Service
RE: refresh only one data source out of several
I just found the solution (it exists already but is not as intuitive as if it was available via the Refresh button).
RE: refresh only one data source out of several
Also add order of refresh. This would allow one data source to be refreshed, and possibly build tables' data, and the next to use that built data in a summarization query.
RE: refresh only one data source out of several
Ideally we could manage this from the Power BI Service Gateway/DataSet settings. Choose to "include in report refresh" only the data sources we wish, and for the other data sources just maintain the existing published data in the DataSet.
RE: refresh only one data source out of several
While looking for the option to do this, I found out it is possible to remove certain tables from the refresh in the query editor. This done by right clicking on the table in the query editor and deselect the "Include in report refresh" option. I hope this helps others who are having the same problem.
RE: refresh only one data source out of several
It would be great to have the ability to select only sources of information that require updating of a list. To improve processing times