Bikash Deb on 08 May 2016 04:21:13
If you have multiple sources of data, with some large and small it would be ideal if you could just refresh one source (small) so it speeds up the process of updating the dashboard massively.
- Comments (20)
RE: refresh only one data source out of several
Would be very useful - I need to make minor updates in smaller data sources. But this is always problematic since there's a large data source which takes about 1/2 hour per refresh.
RE: refresh only one data source out of several
need a feature to schedule refresh rate for different data sources. Some large source only need a weekly refresh whether small one need hourly refresh.
RE: refresh only one data source out of several
it will be very useful when Power BI develop this improvement
RE: refresh only one data source out of several
It's just a shame that Power BI doesn't allow to select sources to update... It makes the refresh feature useless for the most of my reports.
RE: refresh only one data source out of several
check box "Include in report refresh" only works in desktop. I have the problem in power bi service.
RE: refresh only one data source out of several
If you right click each of the data source in Edit Queries window, there should be a check box "Include in report refresh" where you can decide whether or not to refresh that source.
RE: refresh only one data source out of several
It's already more than 3.5 years and still this feature is not implemented, Surprised !!!
RE: refresh only one data source out of several
This is a vital requirement as often i want to refresh only specific queries which has been modified and not others.
RE: refresh only one data source out of several
Refresh in separate "querys" is an essential feature. I do not know why Power BI does not allow this. It is of extreme necessity.
RE: refresh only one data source out of several
Manually refresh one data source out of several and set the schedule time separately