Sreekanth on 02 Jun 2017 21:55:51
When I use SSAS(live data) as source, I'm seeing most of the parameter functionality is grayed out. I think it would be good if I can create and configure report parameters in power BI on-premise same way as SSRS.
Since, slicing is very much required functionality for any reports, I think this enhancement is needed one.
- Comments (7)
RE: Create parameter in SSAS live connection model
May be a different idea, but I would like this extended to any Power BI service dataset live connection. Like others have noted below, that allows me to publish reports and easily configure them to point to DEV, Test, and Prod live connected datasources.
RE: Create parameter in SSAS live connection model
Parameter functionality is fundamental to any good report so if priority could be given to this aspect while using SSAS (AAS in my case) this would be a leap forward.
RE: Create parameter in SSAS live connection model
This would be extremely convenient, to switch between DEV/Test & Production environment directly on the report.
RE: Create parameter in SSAS live connection model
i need query parameter in SSAS Live connection please, still grayed out
RE: Create parameter in SSAS live connection model
please add connections for live model.
RE: Create parameter in SSAS live connection model
I have an urgent need. Please add parameters for SSAS tabular live connections.
RE: Create parameter in SSAS live connection model
Agree, query parameters are required for SSAS Live connections.