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"Read" users of a O365 group should have "read" access to Power BI content available on the corresponding workspace

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Rui Ormonde on 26 Nov 2018 22:06:08

Currently, only "members" of a Office 365 group are able to consume/edit the PowerBI reports we publish to the corresponding SharePoint site.
However, we'd like "Visitors" with just "read" access to also be able to consume the reports.

Comments (6)
Rui Ormonde's profile image Profile Picture

376d5e0b e83a-4298-a412-18b51c966097 on 05 Jul 2020 23:52:10

RE: "Read" users of a O365 group should have "read" access to Power BI content available on the corresponding workspace

100% agree. I'm retired and no longer have a work address, but I still wish to work with Power BI. I need an account.

Rui Ormonde's profile image Profile Picture

e6e8534c f5d2-4d31-b606-f74cdacc2b49 on 05 Jul 2020 23:43:10

RE: "Read" users of a O365 group should have "read" access to Power BI content available on the corresponding workspace

Are there any technical reasons for putting features like paginated reports and Calculated Groups in Premium?

If not, I think that is a mistake. PBI adoption is a bottom-up process, and it is a big step to go Pemium or for an ISV, to Embedded. Let enthusiasts evangelize with all the features available, then make the decisions about investments.

The whole point (one of them at least) with cloud computing is that everyone can have access to the same technology, just with different numbers of users.

Rui Ormonde's profile image Profile Picture

045d6189 4771-49e7-83e2-7625593bb652 on 05 Jul 2020 23:42:35

RE: "Read" users of a O365 group should have "read" access to Power BI content available on the corresponding workspace

Why can I sign up for office at 60 pounds a year but not sign up for powerbi? It simply drives me to one of your competitors.

Rui Ormonde's profile image Profile Picture

b3da9fea ebc2-49d2-9c56-be23496db1e6 on 05 Jul 2020 23:22:17

RE: "Read" users of a O365 group should have "read" access to Power BI content available on the corresponding workspace

I would love to be able to share Power BI visuals about my nephew's baseball team, family picnics and dozens of other small, silly things on various family/small non profit websites. How would this not help with adoption if such uses were always branded? They could easily be 'import only' and limited to a small data amount. Allowing this kind of casual use will turn Power BI into the kind of familiar and 'must have' tool that Excel is.

Rui Ormonde's profile image Profile Picture

881f0d03 86ae-4816-962f-a438abcb57f7 on 05 Jul 2020 23:03:48

RE: "Read" users of a O365 group should have "read" access to Power BI content available on the corresponding workspace

I was working on an enterprise with about 150,000 people, using Windows + Ms Office. I'm an Excel expert. Now, I'm retired. Trying to create an account at Power BI, surprisingly, was denied, because I don't have a commercial e-Mail. Can't I learn it in depth anymore?! Why is Excel offered "Home" and "Home Premium"? Can't I assist people with trouble on these things anymore?

Rui Ormonde's profile image Profile Picture

5a9d9a41 e42a-4100-a778-f0d0db46a3d5 on 05 Jul 2020 22:58:25

RE: "Read" users of a O365 group should have "read" access to Power BI content available on the corresponding workspace

Would love to be able to use Power BI to display personal data and reports to friends and family. I think this would be a great way to showcase the product and would enable those without a corporate Power BI to get started.