CompletedCalculated measure with currency formatting on SSAS Multidimensional appears to be divided by 1000 on powerbi online vs powerbi desktop
Verne Roberts on 18 Jan 2017 08:33:50
Calculated measures with currency formatting on SSAS Multidimensional through an enterpise data gateway appears to be divided by 1000 on powerbi online vs powerbi desktop.
Changing the report visual to use a non calculated measure appears to fix the issue, but this is not ideal.
I'm suspicious of currency formatting in that I'm in NZ as we use , for thousands separation and . for decimal place
Administrator on 01 Feb 2017 02:53:50
The dev team indicated this is a known (language/location independent) bug and are deploying a fix as soon as possible.
- Comments (1)
RE: Calculated measure with currency formatting on SSAS Multidimensional appears to be divided by 1000 on powerbi online vs powerbi desktop
This only started happening at the end of last year which coincided roughly with when we switched the data gateway to a newer version and different internal server.