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Personalized email subscriptions for users

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on 14 Sep 2018 01:03:29

For the email subscription feature in PBI service, it's good to have the flexibility for the report developer/owner to setup personalized email subscriptions for end (free) users based on their needs, such as pre-selections made in slicers, etc.

Comments (2)
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20629cde ba0d-467f-9ac9-9c94b3f8ae86 on 05 Jul 2020 23:53:35

RE: Personalized email subscriptions for users

The feature should be available to personalise and sliced based on the email address.
I.e. to join to a table of emails and filter values. Then filter the report by the specific filter value for each email address it is sent to.

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f1b181e7 5390-4f87-9b78-4ba837e230df on 05 Jul 2020 23:47:42

RE: Personalized email subscriptions for users

I am loosing filters on the PBI report when email is sent . Include pre-selected filters when subscribing