Terje Fjeldstad on 28 Jan 2015 15:45:24
It should be possible to have an "invert axis values" when defining Charts. In some cases, let's say School grades, the grade 1 is the best and 6 is fail. in this case, I would like to show an y-axis starting on 6 and ending on 0.
- Comments (16)
RE: Invert axis display values
This really is a very basic feature and can't surely be that hard to implement? (Please correct me if I'm wrong!)
In my case, I'm trying to plot rank changes on a chart. Obviously, people expect to see rank 1 at the top. Sure, I can create a negative measure and plot that, but it looks and feels like a bit of a hack, with the negative sign next to each number.
RE: Invert axis display values
We'd also love this feature as ranking number 1 in our world is good - please give a timescale as the current workaround is laborious defeating the point of PBI
RE: Invert axis display values
The ability to invert the stacked column charts would be beneficial. I presently show "Late" jobs on the top of the Stacked column in "Red" if I could invert this to show the "Late" jobs on the bottom would one match my legend and more representative on what we are trying to accomplish per our analytical data.
Thank you,
RE: Invert axis display values
Hi - wondering if any update? reverting back to Excel charts again to accomplish this
RE: Invert axis display values
Please add this feature asap, I really need it for my research
RE: Invert axis display values
Basic Excel Functionality. Please Implement.