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grouping the visuals or feilds to make it as one visual

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Pranay Kumar's profile image

Pranay Kumar on 14 Dec 2017 10:02:38

we have the grouping functionality in excel, we can group multiple visuals to one and we can group multiple fields like combining multiple into one

Comments (3)
Pranay Kumar's profile image Profile Picture

9ae47809 b671-4b43-8b7b-ea83968ab771 on 05 Jul 2020 23:48:43

RE: grouping the visuals or feilds to make it as one visual

This would be super useful when designing reports which use multiple layers of visuals. For instance, I like to use a shape or image behind my card visuals, and would love to be able to move them both together.

Pranay Kumar's profile image Profile Picture

277d059b 7459-4329-85c8-828a44400009 on 05 Jul 2020 23:22:24

RE: grouping the visuals or feilds to make it as one visual

This would be a huge improvement. Or at a very minimum allow us to Ctrl-Click multiple visuals and nudge them with arrow cursors vs the intelligent mouse movements

Pranay Kumar's profile image Profile Picture

1af18fc3 c51c-4422-8305-c29424ac9a43 on 05 Jul 2020 23:15:39

RE: grouping the visuals or feilds to make it as one visual

This would be amazing to be able to move a group of visuals together. Maybe even to be able to set a group level filter.