Power BI
NewGreen Yellow Red colour for Cards, Gauges, graphs based on the Low, Medium and High values
Manjunath Hireholi on 22 Jul 2015 13:23:57
Cards pinned on the Dashboard shows numbers with white background.
A feature to change the background colour to Green/Yellow/Red based on the pre-defined Low(normal)/Medium/High values would be very useful.
- Comments (3)
RE: Green Yellow Red colour for Cards, Gauges, graphs based on the Low, Medium and High values
Basically the controls of Excel conditional formatting is what I'm looking for, but this is a start on the idea. Allow for changing of text and/or background color.
RE: Green Yellow Red colour for Cards, Gauges, graphs based on the Low, Medium and High values
This is a key need for us as well. The option to color based on progression, just like with a lot of other kpi widgets. FE: 0-3 Green, 3-5 Yellow, 6+ Green.
RE: Green Yellow Red colour for Cards, Gauges, graphs based on the Low, Medium and High values
Maybe it will be better to change not the color of background of the single number card, but the number.