Power BI
Under ReviewCreate new dataset from R by doing calculations on data loaded in PowerBI already
The current R data connector forces you to pull data into R directly from the source (CSV, etc.) in order to run calculations and have the results show up as a PowerBI dataset. It would be very useful to be able to do R calculations from data sources already pulled into PowerBI instead, and then create a new data source from those.
- Comments (2)
Comments (2)
RE: Create new dataset from R by doing calculations on data loaded in PowerBI already
Please let me know how this request is different than the R capability in Power Query / Get Data. If it is, I may want to vote it up.
RE: Create new dataset from R by doing calculations on data loaded in PowerBI already
I was just about to create this request. This is something that makes total sense, and should be available to explore with R scripts.