Narendra on 23 Dec 2015 22:09:02
If it is possible please provide the multiple columns sort . For example I want to sort the table visualization based on Priority and severity
Administrator on 19 Apr 2024 08:31:48
This is in our backlog. Please vote to receive updates as we make progress.
- Comments (248)
RE: Add a multiple columns sort featue
This really needs to be completed soon.
RE: Add a multiple columns sort featue
Absolutely necessary, it is one of the basic feature for analytic tool to have
RE: Add a multiple columns sort featue
This is a simple sort that would solve a ton of formatting issues and calculations. Please add the sort option.
RE: Add a multiple columns sort featue
Very simple need
RE: Add a multiple columns sort featue
Looks like I get to join the crowd here asking why Microsoft why? This seems like such a basic and standard feature across many of your products but not in Powerbi? Being limited to one sort in a table is not cutting it, for me a Matrix is not going to work. As a work around I tried sorting my data in SQL first, it appears correctly in the query editor within Powerbi but then the table just ignores my order by reference. A few weeks ago my boss forwarded one our our Customers Tableau reports, I thought it was a logical choice to continue using a Microsoft products, based on the other software we use but I guess it is time to check out the competition.
RE: Add a multiple columns sort featue
Agree. Business needs this. We don't need to solve this on query level. It is on visual level for end users.
RE: Add a multiple columns sort featue
QoL for end users is vital in moving towards report standardisation. It is impossible for me to ask people to move away from home brew excel solutions when basic functionality is lost. Admin please update on where things currently are with this. Tableau does not seem to have this issue.
RE: Add a multiple columns sort featue
Agreed - silly that this is available in Excel but not Power BI
RE: Add a multiple columns sort featue
when will you're going to be serious about user problem business want this feature, we need this badly, please get this ASAP we can't wait till next year MBAS for announcement than another few months for roll-out.
RE: Add a multiple columns sort featue
to put it simply, this software should not be advertised as a complete solution if we can't even sort by multiple columns. mind boggling. this is hitting a 500 ft homerun and deliberately refusing to touch first base