Roland Horwood on 25 May 2016 20:50:27
When publishing reports to the web I am getting display problems. The report appears to publish OK, but when you try to view the report via the web link one of the tiles momentarily displays OK, then it gets replaced by a X in a circle and the error "Can't display the visual". I've tried republishing the visual, editing the original source report in desktop etc etc. Sometime the error will go away fro the first few times you view the web link, but it always comes back. Very frustrating. If you click for more info on the error you get the following:
"Couldn't load the data for this visual
Couldn't retrieve the data for this visual. Please try again later.
Please try again later or contact support and provide the following details to help resolve your issue faster.
Activity IDc41f956b-654f-4554-9ac8-7c7b3ee9ae21
Request ID134000af-23b8-24b1-51c6-6304035e36d3
Correlation ID96cb98e3-3f37-b2e8-fd96-e4665e660e03
TimeWed May 25 2016 14:49:21 GMT+0100 (GMT Daylight Time)
Cluster URI"
- Comments (3)
RE: "Can't display the visual" error on reports published to web
I have the same issue!
RE: "Can't display the visual" error on reports published to web
Same problem here!
RE: "Can't display the visual" error on reports published to web
Hello Roland,
Sounds like you have authorization issue with AD.
Unfortunately you will probably need to create a support case ( to trouble shoot this issue.
Once you create the case please let the engineer know this case should probably handed to "Trevor".