Dave Gugg on 17 Dec 2016 06:00:28
It can be unwieldy to manage measures and columns, especially when custom measures and columns are built on top of other measures and columns. It would be helpful to have a [Where Used] option to provide a list of visuals and/or columns/measures where a particular column is used. That way you can delete unneeded measures/columns without worrying about breaking everything.
- Comments (35)
RE: List where a column or measure is used in a report
Yes please, this is a must. I sometimes make formulas and columns and later change something and then the old columns are no longer used. It clutters and slows down the Power BI. It would be amazing if we could easily see what columns/measurements are being used in visuals and other columns etc. Please add this!
RE: List where a column or measure is used in a report
This is a an absolute must. As I develop my reports overtime, I have multiple similar measures and many that are no longer necessary and are not used. But there is no way to know which ones they are. This is especially true if multiple developers are involved. I could probably delete 75% of measures and make the reports more accurate, easier to develop and faster to run. Same applied to calculated columns
RE: List where a column or measure is used in a report
Please do this, please. Those of us who are diligent documenters will really appreciate the ability to speed this up. Thank you.
RE: List where a column or measure is used in a report
Right now I'm manually documenting every field, measure, calculated column and how they're used for regulatory purposes. PBI needs a tool to allow easily allow this documentation and also to allow us to clean up unused data.
RE: List where a column or measure is used in a report
Ability to trace/highlight columns and measures leveraged in a report is an essential missing component our of Power BI. Need to easily identify what columns, measures, and columns leveraged within measures & custom columns are used across a report / .PBIX.
Complimented with the ability to switch to view the opposite of columns and measures not leveraged in the report, then option to bulk hide, retain, or remove these ancillary columns and measures will allow data models to be optimized and increase performance.
RE: List where a column or measure is used in a report
Hi All,
I had the problem a few times and created a simple web site to analyze a PBIX file and find unused fields
RE: List where a column or measure is used in a report
'+1 please.
RE: List where a column or measure is used in a report
RE: List where a column or measure is used in a report
Definitely needed so that audits can be done across all reports/tabs to see where specific data elements are used. This is really important as changing field names in the SSAS model will break all reports/tabs that used those fields
I also like the idea of a report that shoes the hierarchy of DAX measures where sub-ordinate DAX measures are used to calculate
RE: List where a column or measure is used in a report
It's really needed!