Power BI
NewAllow setting of locale and time zone such that DAX functions NOW and TODAY procuce correct local values rather than those from the US
Jack Horlock on 18 Mar 2016 07:00:52
If you reference a generated date from 'NOW' or 'TODAY' to use in a DAX command to manipulate a date the value genrated is local to the United States not you the users location; New Zealand in my case. this means that age calcuations or relative day calculations are based on a period which is almost from midday to midday rather that midnight!
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RE: Allow setting of locale and time zone such that DAX functions NOW and TODAY procuce correct local values rather than those from the US
I think it's UTC/GMT time rather than US time, but yes - would be a welcome improvement (I'm in NZ also), although rather unlikely I'm guessing :-(