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Enable different levels of row headers in a matrix to be colored differently

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Ivan Larson on 03 Apr 2019 20:22:14

It would be helpful for making clearer visuals to color different row headers differently when multiple ones are active at the same time. So for example, if I'm showing the financials for multiple projects in a matrix organized by three rows, State, Year, and Project Lead, and I've drilled down to show the data for each project lead within each year, and each year within each state, I would like all rows summarizing a State to have one color, all rows summarizing a year within that state to have a different color, and all rows summarizing a Project Lead within a year to have a third color. Conditional formatting and DAX make this doable for the fields that show the values, but the part of the matrix that shows the row headers cannot be recolored using conditional formatting. Making that possible, or allowing different colors to be selected for different Row fields, would greatly improve the appearance of matrices.