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Custom visuals display order in AppSource

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on 06 Aug 2018 20:38:34

Not really a Power BI idea but at the moment we have no indication if a custom visual in AppSource is new or has been updated recently.
This means to check for a newer version you have to select a visual and look at the version number which is painful if you are checking a number of visuals not helped by the random display order of the visuals which seem to change each time you go back to the main pages.
Could you either add a sort field of date uploaded or allow us to filter by a date range?

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62b79d5e 2d71-4713-bd46-c6d090a0ce24 on 05 Jul 2020 23:27:17

RE: Custom visuals display order in AppSource

In general the state of AppSource is suboptimal, for most (all?) custom visuals from MSFT exits a changelog on GitHub, however this information is missing on AppSource. Please look at your offering from the view point of an enterprise admin who has to maintain these visuals within the enterprise (On premise usage, not cloud usage)