pcabrero on 13 Jun 2017 19:08:34
For graphic charts with relevant differences in data in one of the axis, it would be interesting to create the possiblity of inserting a gap or break into the graph axis so the lower values and the higher values can be easier analized at a glance.
- Comments (16)
RE: insert break in vertical axis
Really necessary!!
RE: insert break in vertical axis
Definitely essential to add this. You'd think this should be an easy option to add to the list of choices that is already there whenever modifying your axes.
RE: insert break in vertical axis
Agreed. I've got a chart with data values ranging from single digits to seven digits and not being able to break the or gap the values makes the low ranges unreadable.
RE: insert break in vertical axis
i am also looking this
RE: insert break in vertical axis
would be beneficial to have this, because scaling causes variations in smaller values to be indistinguishable because of a single outlier.
RE: insert break in vertical axis
This is so needed! I am surprised Power BI does not have this capability.