Power BI
NewThe shared dashboard email from the service should have a link to an intro video
The email that is generated from Power BI when someone shares a dashboard should include a link to a short video on how to navigate the service aimed at end users of the service e.g. “First time user? Find out how to get the most out of Power BI”. We certainly had several users who have
• Not realised the reports have multiple tabs
• Not realised they can drill through from the dashboard to reports
• Don’t know about the “drill down” functionality
• Struggle with filters
• Won’t realise they can now drill through
• Don’t know they can favourite or set a featured dashboard
I know a lot of this is basic stuff but not knowing about it prevents some end users getting the most out of Power BI.
- Comments (6)
RE: The shared dashboard email from the service should have a link to an intro video
'Good idea, although I'm not a fan of training videos on their own. Most ppl wont sit through more than a few minutes. Videos together with a well organised set of brief pages would be ideal.
I have a few more:
+ Don't know they can select a series on a chart on a report (e.g. a bar on a bar chart) to cross-filter the other visuals on that report
+ Never notice the Filters panel on the right of the report page
RE: The shared dashboard email from the service should have a link to an intro video
thanks for providing a great list for my report user training!
RE: The shared dashboard email from the service should have a link to an intro video
Voted, great idea for PBI Users!
RE: The shared dashboard email from the service should have a link to an intro video
Surprised MSFT did'n think about it :)
RE: The shared dashboard email from the service should have a link to an intro video
Love this!
RE: The shared dashboard email from the service should have a link to an intro video
That would certainly save me a lot of time explaining how it works and trying to talk people through signing in for the first time. This would likely greatly increase the number of users in my company, as many people just give up. There should definitely be a note about how first time users will have to go through the sign in process THEN SIGN BACK OUT and sign in again before they can access the material; I would prefer if this step wasn't needed at all but if it has to be that way it needs to be addressed.