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Better filtering for very large fields

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Ryan Yandle's profile image

Ryan Yandle on 10 Feb 2015 07:07:01

Support for easier filtering of fields with 100s of values.

Administrator on 17 Feb 2015 10:11:28

Hi Ryan! How could we improve this? What would make it easier for you to work with large fields?

Comments (3)
Ryan Yandle's profile image Profile Picture

56d71a94 4573-43d0-95da-7fb059bb557b on 05 Jul 2020 22:01:47

RE: Better filtering for very large fields

How about making it like Excel filtering. Where you can start typing a value and it filters on that

Ryan Yandle's profile image Profile Picture

9741fc17 c537-4d69-86ba-b7afb6017bb8 on 05 Jul 2020 21:59:27

RE: Better filtering for very large fields

I'd also like the ability to do Name like 'Micro' or Name Starts with 'Micro'

Ryan Yandle's profile image Profile Picture

5ce77846 8de7-4321-9e3e-21bd858277a0 on 05 Jul 2020 21:58:07

RE: Better filtering for very large fields

I'd love an 'in' operator, or a way to chain more than 2 fields with and/or. My use case is that we have a field of people in our org. Its a flat hierarchy with a few thousand names. I want to generate a report for only 9 of those people. In the current UI I see two options to filter this field:

1) Scroll through the list of names and check the ones I want. This doesn't work. It looks like the field has so many values that only the first N are shown. I can't even make it through the names that start with 'A'.

2) Use the 'equals' operator. The problem here is that it looks like I can only have up to two fields chained, so I can only filter to 'me' OR 'Bob'.

Ideally I'd like to write a filter that says (logically):

Name IS IN { 'me', 'Bob', 'Sue', 'Joe', ... }

Alternatively I could chain multiple Equals operators:

Name Equals 'me'
Name Equals 'Bob'
Name Equals 'Sue'
Name Equals 'Joe'

Hope this helps clarify.