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Power BI


Offer an Include and Exclude toggle on Slicers

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Greg on 28 Jul 2018 01:11:07

Slicers work great for "inclusion"-type filtering, but not so much for exclusions. It's true, users can select all the items EXCEPT the ones they want excluded, but this is only practical for slicers with a few items. It's not uncommon for applications to have slicers on large tables (thousands of records), so excluding in the same way is not at all practical. Can PBI offer an "Include /
Exclude" toggle in its Slicers? When "Include" is ON (the Default setting), the slicer behaves as it does now. When "Exclude" is ON, the slicer excludes the selected item(s). For example, I have a table with thousands of diagnosis codes. I want my report to reflect all patients that DON'T have codes 123.4 or 234.5. Or I want to my report to represent patients NOT in the U.S.