sahnoon on 05 Nov 2015 14:30:28
Initially only one visualization displays.when we click the first visaulaizaition, The second visualization has to show.When we click second ,third has to show
- Comments (6)
RE: Show/Hide Visualizations
Could be done with automatic bookmark selection based on data conditions. e.g. when x-value < x-limit then activate bookmark x.
Or better yet with a conditional viability flag on report elements - e.g. item viability = (x-value < x-limit)
RE: Show/Hide Visualizations
Here is a similar idea with more votes.
RE: Show/Hide Visualizations
Visualizations should be shown/hidden/greyed out based on user defined values of other visualizations.
Example - if a target is reached for a KPI (shown in a visualization), then the related visualization showing the reward linked with reaching that goal is shown.
RE: Show/Hide Visualizations
Yes, visualizations should be shown by conditons e.g. by selection in slicers.
RE: Show/Hide Visualizations
Better to user specified based on click event which dashboard they want to show. user select first dash board don't show any other dashboards in the same report. i mean click first dashboard user can see only first dashboard OR 2nd /3rd dashboard that is based on client requirements
RE: Show/Hide Visualizations
Initially only one visualization displays.when we click the first visaulaizaition, The second visualization has to show.When we click second ,third has to show