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Fiscal Year Customisation for Visualisations

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on 23 Mar 2016 17:11:29

It would be very useful if we could set our fiscal year somewhere and have that utilised by charts. This could possibly be done either as a global setting or per chart.

Currently to display fiscal year in a coherent way on visualisations we have to add a custom column to our date tables that will generate an appropriate label for charts e.g. (01) - Oct, (02) - Nov if your fiscal year starts in Oct.

It would be much friendly if we could instruct visualisations where our fiscal year begins and have them intelligently label axis.

I've noticed that if you are using a date field on the axis then visuals will change the labels based on various factors. For example for a certain period it may show individual dates, or months, or years depending on the size of the chart and other factors.

This doesn't work with custom labels though and because you cannot add two labels to an axis e.g. months AND years I cannot have a chart easily stretch and represent a period longer than a year when using fiscal year labels.

Hope this makes sense :-)

Comments (25)
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a7b65f16 1345-483c-a8b1-2339cf69d2f3 on 06 Jul 2020 00:12:25

RE: Fiscal Year Customisation for Visualisations

this is definitely needed, it would be great to have a global setting which could be added, some of the functions have the option to include the date that the year ends, it would be great to have this as a global option for the whole report so everything just reflects this as default, maybe an addition to the filter pane even then you could apply it to individual visualisations, report pages or the whole report. ive created a date table which fixed the labelling but im having to think of work arounds for a lot of different cases

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e9c16d51 0346-4cf5-8717-fc5c24f35da8 on 05 Jul 2020 23:59:31

RE: Fiscal Year Customisation for Visualisations

Really needed on the financial sector. Please add. The workaround is messy

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9424cf10 d305-4b71-ab5a-003b55697a8f on 05 Jul 2020 23:46:45

RE: Fiscal Year Customisation for Visualisations

Even SAP Analytics has done this really well

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72b0d836 78f0-4323-98f7-dff6b34dd422 on 05 Jul 2020 23:38:37

RE: Fiscal Year Customisation for Visualisations

This is heavily needed. Would also like to see the relative data slicer to include months, month (calendar), and months (Fiscal)...this is BADLY needed, (in addition to years, years( calendar), years (Fiscal).

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9eccb9ac 2fdc-4eba-a590-2bf3fb869d5e on 05 Jul 2020 23:27:02

RE: Fiscal Year Customisation for Visualisations

Yesterday we tried to solve the problem with our FY ending in Oct. Not so easy, you have to create a new date table and add this deferring date in fact table. Be so kind to add the feature, so we can solve this problem very easy

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1d809d7f 1e13-478b-9686-8d92bf2f9a19 on 05 Jul 2020 23:25:19

RE: Fiscal Year Customisation for Visualisations

This would be great to see! My company is a May year end, and reporting for the fiscal year & fiscal quarter needs to be set up by each individual user. It would be great if this could be a global setting!

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814f4d16 8026-4051-abb8-d10c45da840a on 05 Jul 2020 23:18:13

RE: Fiscal Year Customisation for Visualisations

Would love to see something like this. Spotfire has a decent implementation of such a feature, wherein you configure a FiscalYearOffset parameter at the document level (e.g. if your fiscal year starts June 1 of the prior calendar year, you enter FiscalYearOffset of -7). This creates a fiscal date hierarchy - year, quarter, month, etc. - that is usable just like calendar date.

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40ef962d b8da-4a29-a66e-4471712fb543 on 05 Jul 2020 23:14:48

RE: Fiscal Year Customisation for Visualisations

Please, this is very important to large corporations that usually have a FY not matching the calendar year. See how the competitor is doing it. FY start month is an attribute of any date field, a way to make it even better would be allow users to pick date by date and the competitor or to have a over all set up for the whole report

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38d1ea6f 9c0e-4b70-a200-c50486e691ae on 05 Jul 2020 23:03:31

RE: Fiscal Year Customisation for Visualisations

our fy starts in July so it would be great if we had time intelligence based on fy

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83bf1ce1 b5f3-44ca-8f80-71fe2b873303 on 05 Jul 2020 22:49:26

RE: Fiscal Year Customisation for Visualisations

I voted for this. My organization is planning to transition to Power BI, but a feature as simple as this is criticial for slicing our financial and budgeting data. I'm shocked that this isn't a built in feature.