Neil Vaidya on 28 Jan 2015 02:42:27
Administrator on 28 Jan 2015 06:11:51
Thanks Neil! Shopify is a really interesting data source! Is anyone else out there using it? Please add your votes if you think we should prioritize this!
- Comments (23)
RE: Add shopify data
Hello! I'm new to Power BI and have a shopify site I'm pulling data from. I've used Matt Jackman's method successfully below but am only able to pull in 50 lines of data (or 250 if I set limit). I'm struggling to understand how to make multiple calls to the shopify site with Power BI query editor to pull all data, not just 50 lines. I know there is a limit, and have read multiple articles but it's above my head. Can someone please provide query code (or link to clear instructions) on how to pull all data, not just 50 lines? thanks!!
RE: Add shopify data
Shopify is very popular!
RE: Add shopify data
Please make this happen ASAP.
RE: Add shopify data
Sounds like Matt Jackman has a great workaround!
But if anyone else needs more than that and his suggestion does not meet your needs, feel free to send me an email. I'd like your advice on what you need from Shopify to Power BI so that I don't build the wrong thing.
RE: Add shopify data
What Matt Jackman wrote below works a treat, thanks for that tip!!!
RE: Add shopify data
I would love it if there was a native shopify connector
RE: Add shopify data
To Matt Jackman - Thanks for sharing your notes. Can you share some more about how you're using the data? Do you have a bog?
RE: Add shopify data
Absolutely please add this. Would be high value to all Shopify stores.
RE: Add shopify data
Are we any closer to this? I already pay for access to Power BI and currently the apps available are another paid source. with 18 shopify stores i need data from this is not ideal
RE: Add shopify data
Please add this capability... many companies use Shopify, and the ability to pull that data into Power BI would be tremendous.