Power BI
Needs VotesBypass test connection/Ignore failure for Web Sources that depend on authorization header
Elton Sequeira on 09 May 2017 00:55:48
The power BI service runs a test connection on Web API data sources before pulling data. However for Web Sources whose response depends on a required authorization header fail to authenticate in the power bi service while setting up a scheduled refresh. The source is accessed using Web.Contents and by passing the URL, Relative path and authorization header. This works perfectly fine in Power BI desktop since it executes the GET request along with the authorization header without a test connection. If the same could be done in power bi service by either bypassing the test connection or ignoring failures then a schedule refresh could be setup.
- Comments (25)
RE: Bypass test connection/Ignore failure for Web Sources that depend on authorization header
Datasources on the web have many forms of authentication and authorization. Fortunately, mquery allows us to craft unique queries to accommodate those different methods. Unfortunately, Power BI service does not. Until skip connection test is back online many web datasources are offline for Power BI..
RE: Bypass test connection/Ignore failure for Web Sources that depend on authorization header
Wow - any ideas for a workaround?
RE: Bypass test connection/Ignore failure for Web Sources that depend on authorization header
'+1 please fix, such a neg to the product.
RE: Bypass test connection/Ignore failure for Web Sources that depend on authorization header
Lost 4 hours today on this issue thinking the problem came from my query...
RE: Bypass test connection/Ignore failure for Web Sources that depend on authorization header
Common PwBi Team! I am trying to use PwBI + SharePoint REST API (That requires authentication upfront ).. the workaround of using relativepath won't work here!! Please, integration is the KEY that makes PwBI so great, and right now I am not able to connect TWO MICROSOFT PRODUCTS!!! fix it pls!
RE: Bypass test connection/Ignore failure for Web Sources that depend on authorization header
We have just came across this too, voting for a fix to this issue.
RE: Bypass test connection/Ignore failure for Web Sources that depend on authorization header
I need this too... in desktop it works, but in service it doesn't work
RE: Bypass test connection/Ignore failure for Web Sources that depend on authorization header
Please add this feature
RE: Bypass test connection/Ignore failure for Web Sources that depend on authorization header
'+1, please fix this
RE: Bypass test connection/Ignore failure for Web Sources that depend on authorization header
I had this issue as well. It worked for me to use only the root URL in the 'URL' part and to put everthing else, including the user and password, in 'relative path'. This is decribed here: https://community.powerbi.com/t5/Service/Anonymous-access/td-p/19136
(Apparently this only works if the root ULR is accessible without authorization.)
Furthermore I had to delete the entire dataset on PBI Service and publish it from PBI Desktop again.