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Allow gateway to connect to multiple schema

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William Brown's profile image

William Brown on 12 Jul 2018 05:14:43

Create multiple data sources for the same database but using multiple credentials. Allow access to different schemas from same gateway.

Comments (5)
William Brown's profile image Profile Picture

1b7bc915 dbdc-4ad9-855d-e1b67402bd41 on 05 Jul 2020 23:42:29

RE: Allow gateway to connect to multiple schema

This would really help. Thanks.

William Brown's profile image Profile Picture

80728a19 79a7-4894-8026-64ae9ca258b6 on 05 Jul 2020 23:36:57

RE: Allow gateway to connect to multiple schema

Same issue here. I have two dozen applications that each has a distinct schema within the same database.

William Brown's profile image Profile Picture

259b152f 002c-4ab2-b870-43a8803aa5ea on 05 Jul 2020 23:36:16

RE: Allow gateway to connect to multiple schema

We have the same issue for our Oracle data sources. Since it throws an error if you use the same instance with different credentials, you have to create an alias for each schema in the tnsnames.ora file, which is work intensive. It should allow data sources with different names to use the same server (instance) name.

William Brown's profile image Profile Picture

8454d43b d8ad-4865-bfc2-6a1ee0819c40 on 05 Jul 2020 23:27:36

RE: Allow gateway to connect to multiple schema

Yes. I am facing the same problem. I cannot add multiple datasources for multiple schemas on the same Oracle instance. Right now I am having to create multiple On-premise gateways on different machines to work around this

William Brown's profile image Profile Picture

8c7b87de 0004-41ce-afd2-f42f4453d581 on 05 Jul 2020 23:25:59

RE: Allow gateway to connect to multiple schema

This is a big big issue in our organization. We have hundreds of users connecting to Data Warehouses and Data Marts all with different user IDs. This was not very well planned out from Microsoft.