Stéphane Rosi on 18 Aug 2016 14:33:21
Publishing from a pbix is a long process and not convenient when working with big datasets and multiple developpers (because of the size of the file).
It would be easier to manage (backup history versions, etc.) if an online model could be updated from a pbit instead of a pbix model.
- Comments (8)
RE: Publish online model from pbit template
'+1 for this. We should be able to deploy PBIT separately and dataset separately.
RE: Publish online model from pbit template
I'm working with a multi-tenant web app where each tenant has the same data structure. I need to upload a PBIT file to a central storage location, then copy the template into each workspace (1 for each tenant) and connect the data source to inflate the model. Uploading 300 to 500 PBIX files is not the way to go.
RE: Publish online model from pbit template
Definitely agree with publishing the .pbit file from a data security standpoint. Also my data source is a variety of SQL Stored Procedures which usually have parameters such as Start and End date. Depending on the range, they could retrieve anywhere from a few records to 500k records. And the data is constantly changing, so storing another copy of the data in the .pbix version makes no sense. It would be useless in a very short time.
RE: Publish online model from pbit template
It would be safer if we have the option to publish the metadata file (.pbit ) only.
RE: Publish online model from pbit template
agree with the comment on better enabling source control, as well as not storing large/sensitive data within the source control system. Being able to deploy a PBIT file or being able to auto inflate it would be a huge step in being able to automate fully the deployment of reports.
RE: Publish online model from pbit template
I agree. I'd like to see the ability to publish .pbit files to the service along with visible template comments!
RE: Publish online model from pbit template
This would also help from privacy compliance perspective. We don't want old data to stay in the file.
RE: Publish online model from pbit template
This would also make working with PBI in source control dramatically easier. 1+ gig datasets don't play nicely on any source control platform and the pbit workaround is not ideal at all.