Currently, the tool "Save As..." opens the dialog box with the last saved folder.
e.g.: If you opened the file A and saved in a directory X, when you open the file B (saved on directory Y) and click on "Save As", the dialog box will open the directory X instead of Y.
Same goes for "Select Data Sources". If you choose a new directory, when you choose to "Save As" your file, it will direct you to the last Data Sources' directory.
- Comments (12)
RE: Save As in Right Folder
'+ same request
RE: Save As in Right Folder
With the more work we migrate to Power BI this is actually becoming quite a big problem rather than just hassle
RE: Save As in Right Folder
This is a real pain. I would love to see it fixed
RE: Save As in Right Folder
This must be a duplicate request... I know I voted for this long long ago... please consolidate and fix. I fall victim to this quirk quite a bit.
RE: Save As in Right Folder
Good idea
RE: Save As in Right Folder
How can this only have 50 votes? We're loosing so much time on this: Either navigating to the correct folder or even worse: Searching for files who have mistakenly been stored in the wrong folder.
Please fix asap!!
RE: Save As in Right Folder
How many times I thought of raising this idea. Excellent and much needed
RE: Save As in Right Folder
Great idea!
RE: Save As in Right Folder
Agree.. been there, faced that...
RE: Save As in Right Folder
Totally agree. Why can’t PBI just work like every other Office application.