Power BI
NewModelling on PowerBI dataset that was produced from an Azure Stream Analytics output
Suman Bhagavathula on 29 Jul 2015 06:24:50
I am looking for the ability to model based on the PowerBI dataset from an Azure Stream Analytics PowerBI sink. Couple of use cases for this - ASA only supports 14 aggregations per job but I have a need for 75 aggregations, so I create 6 separate ASA jobs each of which create a subset of these aggregations. Now I need to stitch all these aggregations into a single report.
2. ASA only provides blob store for reference data whereas I have some reference data in my Sql Azure DB. I can process the blobs with ASA, and sink to PowerBI, Now I should be able to join with the reference data in Sql Azure from PowerBI.
- Comments (4)
RE: Modelling on PowerBI dataset that was produced from an Azure Stream Analytics output
Added my vote to it.
It is not uncommon to have to add measures or additional calculated columns for datasets generated programmatically via REST API in general and ASA specifically.
For example ASA works with UTC and report users will need local time - such conversion needs to be done in the client (PowerBI) not service side (ASA).
We should be able to download the streaming dataset *metadata* to PowerBI Desktop and add measures+calc columns, etc as normal + design the report in the Power BI Desktop. PowerBI.com editor and Q&A tiles are just too limited.
RE: Modelling on PowerBI dataset that was produced from an Azure Stream Analytics output
I need this too! Lets support this idea :)
RE: Modelling on PowerBI dataset that was produced from an Azure Stream Analytics output
We need this feature too! Creating aggregations on ASA data in highly needed.
RE: Modelling on PowerBI dataset that was produced from an Azure Stream Analytics output
I have similar need for my project..