Power BI
NewHide or show the filter fly-out panel on embedded reports with an API switch or URL parameter
Artie Roggeband on 17 Feb 2016 04:39:06
When a filter is added to the I-Frame url when embedding a report, this field value is dynamically added to the filter panel.
An obvious use of a URL filter field is to constrain the dataset on a per user basis and when the field is visible in the filter panel , then this constraint can be removed or changed.
if this can't be avoided for the filter to work on the dataset, then we need to be able to hide the filter panel.
We need an API parameter or URL switch to turn the filter panel on or off but keeping the filter field in the URL
- Comments (7)
RE: Hide or show the filter fly-out panel on embedded reports with an API switch or URL parameter
Yes, I need this feature too. I need to let the filter panel visible, so the user can use the filters I specify, but in my case the user MUST NOT SEE the filter set in the URL Parameter filter. To workaround this, I cannot use the filter panel, so I need to hide it and then add slicers visualizations to work as filters.
RE: Hide or show the filter fly-out panel on embedded reports with an API switch or URL parameter
This is the exact functionality we are looking for. Right now it seems impossible to show a report in Internet Explorer/Chrome 100% full screen when you're not embedding, due to the filter panel. An URL parameter for example would be VERY usefull and give the report a much more professional look.
RE: Hide or show the filter fly-out panel on embedded reports with an API switch or URL parameter
Please can we get this sorted out?!
RE: Hide or show the filter fly-out panel on embedded reports with an API switch or URL parameter
Incase you are using powerbi.js with your app, open it and set filterPaneEnabled to false.
Search for the snippet below:
Embed.defaultOptions = {
//filterPaneEnabled: true
filterPaneEnabled: false
This works for me perfectly.
RE: Hide or show the filter fly-out panel on embedded reports with an API switch or URL parameter
I have this exact requirement.
At present Power BI Embedded does not appear to properly support multi-tenant Saas applications. Two parameters / filters that no user should be allowed to change on the UI are TenantId and UserId and right now there is no wat to prevent this.
RE: Hide or show the filter fly-out panel on embedded reports with an API switch or URL parameter
X-Linking to a similar idea:
Hide filters for shared Reports or prevent user from changing filters.
RE: Hide or show the filter fly-out panel on embedded reports with an API switch or URL parameter
short url from tweet: https://t.co/YMeTzZsuWd