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KPI Color Coding customizable

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Dominik on 09 Jul 2018 19:49:57

The color coding has some bad effects for us.
We simply want to show if something is under or over budget.
The custom visual Cards with states by OKViz does it right for us, but the goals are missing.

For example we are 1.2 mil of costs under budget of 2.4 millions. That should give a green color. But if we are for example 40'000 above budget it still shows green. But the business reality is that 40'000 over budget is red. So for our business it is wrong. The truth should be under 0 is green. Over zero it should be red. So the visual does not work for us.

A branch of Microsoft showed us with a sign manipulation how it could work, but it changes the business meaning. At the moment we can't use color coding.

If the possibility would be added that you can define the ranges of good, neutral and bad (like conditional formatting) yourself, it would be huge asset for us. The above mentioned visual does that perfectly.

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84f8b17a b99d-4813-a977-0f96273f6073 on 16 Aug 2020 04:08:13

RE: KPI Color Coding customizable

It's possible to reverse the sign and set the color for positive, neutral and negative values within the KPIs visual settings in Power BI Desktop ("Farbcodierung"). Does this help too?