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Multiple Values on same Hierarchy Level

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Beth on 23 Oct 2018 22:47:58

With the old pivot chart in Excel, you could select multiple columns. For example, in your pivot chart you wanted to display Customer Name, Customer Number and Customer region. Then have your values area show your aggregation of customer orders by year for the last 5 years. You can't display all three items on the same line without drilling down to the bottom of the hierarchy, then if you want to export it, the data shows in a stepped layout. I understand that you can do this with a query and then use a table visualization, but the years that you pull in aren't static, so you may have had 2013-2018 in the visualization this year, but 2014-2019 should show next year, which would change if we could use a matrix to pivot the data, but not if you use a table and have to explicitly pull in column headers. Having something that functioned more like a pivot table would be greatly appreciated.