PAULO SERGIO ROCHA on 07 Oct 2018 18:36:13
Most of, not to say all interactions in my reports are cross-filter. That means if I have 10 charts in one report, and I want to change the behavior to cross-filter, I will have to select one chart, and set the other 9 to be cross-filtered and not cross-highlighted. Now make it 10 times 9 = 90 settings.
I would like one of the two options:
a) Global setting choosing my proffered method: filter/highlight
b) A way of applying the interactions to many visuals at once: click on one and define de interactions of other visuals. It could be made by a side pane, as in the show/hide visuais for instance.
Power BI is amazing and have evolved a lot in the couple past years, but this one I feel not productive when I am doing 90 settings to let the report the way a like.
Thanks in advance!