Security > Row Level Security > Test as role. This was extremely important for testing RLS security role membership and to ensure that the roles themselves were operating as expected. Many organizations need this functionality for training, demos, and testing. Please return this functionality ASAP." />
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Please Bring back "Test as role" in Power BI Service

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Alex Hauge on 15 Aug 2017 22:48:55

It is imperative that the ability to "Test as role" be restored within the Power BI web service.

Previously, there was a blue bar that popped up on the top of the Power BI web service that allowed you to view a dashboard or report as a different user. This could be accessed by going to Datasets > Security > Row Level Security > Test as role. This was extremely important for testing RLS security role membership and to ensure that the roles themselves were operating as expected.

Many organizations need this functionality for training, demos, and testing. Please return this functionality ASAP.

Comments (11)
Alex Hauge's profile image Profile Picture

dad4505f e036-4d5c-9282-a9f7b25d3953 on 05 Jul 2020 22:56:21

RE: Please Bring back "Test as role" in Power BI Service

Not sure why this was removed. As stated in the idea, very useful to have this in the browser for demo and testing purposes. I've also found that the browser works based on UPN (email address), whereas PBI Desktop uses NT ID. So it is difficult to deal with this in the desktop.