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Support for Google Tag Manager to track report usage

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Terence McDevitt on 17 Aug 2018 23:30:24

We'd love to get more insight as to how (and if) our users are actually using and interacting with our reports. We looked into the JavaScript event model that embedding gives us, but it's quite limited and doesn't really give us what we need.

For example, if we wanted to know how many users as choosing the "Export Data" menu item on reports, we have no way of doing this with current functionality.

So, what would be great is if we could configure a Google Tag Manager container ID at the PBI account level. Then, when reports get rendered, PBI would, behind the scenes, "drop in" the GTM container script code.

This would then allow us to set up custom tags/events in GTM at which point we could do anything - fire Google Analytics events, call custom code, etc.

Or, maybe even better yet, allow us to specify script code that would get added on any of our reports.