Don on 01 Sep 2016 02:40:43
Display the values (esp. numeric) in the tooltip without having a calculation performed on it or having it display a calculation of that value (Max of Value) in the tooltip. Allow editing/customization of tooltip data labels.
- Comments (2)
RE: Tooltip
Need to round up averages
RE: Tooltip
You can do this using measures. If you want to display the value of a string field, do the following:
1) If using DirectQuery, ensure that "Allow unrestricted measures in DirectQuery mode" is enabled under PowerBI Options.
2) In the report view "Fields" pane, click on the table containing the value you want to display.
3) In the Home toolbar ribbon, click "New Measure"
4) An expression box appears with the following:
Measure =
Replace "Measure" with a descriptive name of your choice (spaces are allowed). After the equals sign, define your measure. To return a string value, use the "FIRSTNONBLANK" function in the following format:
Measure = FIRSTNONBLANK(TableName[FieldName],TRUE)
For numeric values, you can also use Data Analysis Expressions (DAX) statistical functions such as AVERAGE, MIN and MAX.
5) Add your new measure to your Tooltips