Power BI
NewHow can I install Power BI Desktop app on a machine that doesn't have Internet Explorer 10 which I guess is the pre-requisite?
VinayG on 29 Jul 2015 10:58:43
While Installing PBI Desktop app I came across an error message "Internet Explorer 10 RTM or Above is required for installation to work". My organization is still on Internet Explorer 9. How do I go about exploring the app with Internet Explorer 9 ??
- Comments (2)
RE: How can I install Power BI Desktop app on a machine that doesn't have Internet Explorer 10 which I guess is the pre-requisite?
I have a very similar issue. We are installing Power BI to a client site, however due to limitations of their other applications and active Directory, they are not able to move forward from IE8. Very old we know, but they are taking steps to remove this restriction, but this will take 18 months and we need to deploy Power BI now...
Any ideas or workarounds gratefully received...
RE: How can I install Power BI Desktop app on a machine that doesn't have Internet Explorer 10 which I guess is the pre-requisite?
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