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Rescale ESRI bubble size based on filter

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Michiel Schepers on 06 Jan 2019 22:30:52

I would like the bubble size of an ESRI map to "reset" whenever a filter is applied.

Currently, when I set the minimum and max bubble size in the edit menu, everything looks good UNTIL I filter the data on my page. In that case the bubbles become very small and no pattern is visible anymore. The only way to correct this is to go to Edit-and slightly change bubble size settings - in which case the map does recalculate min and max.

So whenever a filter is applied, I want the ESRI map to recalculate the max and min value of that filtered data and scale the bubbles accordingly, so that there will always be bubbles in the set size range.
Would be perfect if this behavior can be set as an option.